Sunday, December 31, 2017

Bare Bones - I'm not lonely if you're reading this book! - Bobby Bones

After reading Charlemagne's book, I really wanted to see what Bobby Bones book was all about as well, since I listen to the Bobby Bones show pretty religiously on my way in to work. The first two chapters started off really slow for me, Bobby setting up the story of his life and all. But one thing that really bothered me at first was what seemed to be his never ending pity party, how he grew up so poor, didn't have anything, always got picked on, and so forth. I get that he was letting us know where he came from, how he grew up, and how those things shaped his life, but man it got to be a bit much for me at times. Although, it made me realize to that when you are negative or always feeling sorry for yourself, you can really put out bad vibes and bad energy into the world that can bring you and those around you down. I've been guilty of this myself the past few years, and am working to change it asap.

Some of the good things I took away from the book, were Bobby's work ethic, his loyalty to his friends / coworkers, and his overall story about it doesn't matter where you come from, or how you grow up, you can always change your circumstances through hard work, a little bit of luck, and taking advantage of opportunities when they arise. I love his slogan of "Fight. Grind. Repeat". I often relate professionalism to people like Bobby, who day in and day out, show up for work, and get the job done, no matter what. No excuses. I admire that. That was another thing he mentions in the book, showing up on time, and just working really hard, are two of his ingredients for the recipe of success, and it's true. Show up on time, do your job to the best of your abilities, ...that goes a long way.

Another thing this book is a good reminder of, is that you need to be nice to everyone you come across. Until you really get to know someone, you really have no idea what is going on in their world, at their home, and what all they might be going through at that point in time. It's pretty amazing that after all these years of success, Bobby still can't let people in fully it seems, and has trust issues, and a variety of other things he deals with, that all stem from his past, no matter how successful he has become. I hope he opens his heart to love and takes that risk, because not doing so is a miserable way to live. I'd much rather try at love and fail, and deal with that if and when it happens, than to be so guarded that you never try and go the distance.

Overall I would give this book a 4 out of 5 star rating. Super easy to read, great insights into Bobby's life, and some good lessons to be learned in general about life. I appreciate you Bobby Bones, and all that you do for others, and charities and for your friends and family. God speed my friend! #pimpinjoy

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